Content is King- Sock Competition

Content marketing is the creation of content with the intention of distributing it, to engage with highly targeted audiences, and attract new customers (and backlinks!) in the process (Ltd 2018)

Content marketing gives the audience information that makes them more informed. The content marketing strategy involves delivering consistent, ongoing valuable information to the audience with the aim of acquiring their trust and loyalty to the brand.  

Once trust is established, you need to maintain that trust while also empowering consumers with additional information — via user-generated and branded content — that helps educate them, enabling them to make informed decisions (New Data: Mix Content Types for Successful Content Marketing 2018).

The aim of content marketing is to increase brand visibility, to generate new customers through recommendations or social media shares from existing customers.  Content marketing also optimises websites for long tail keywords, which can boost traffic to the site and increase sales.  

Content Marketing can take the form of:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters
  • Magazines
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Infographics
  • Competitions

 (Types of Content 2018)

When I thought about how I could implement content marketing I read about different success stories to help inspire me. Lay's launched its first "Do Us a Flavor" campaign in 2012, asking customers to suggest new potato-chip flavors through texts, Facebook and Twitter. The company's sales increased 12%, and its volume of Facebook followers tripled (Staff 2018).

I decided that in order to create a successful campaign I needed to focus on my objectives, my main objectives were:

  • Increase visibility and to create brand awareness across social media
  • Increase traffic to the website
  • Boost sales
  • Build a loyal customer base
  • Attract visitors to the site on a regular basis to keep up with developments
  • To encourage shares across social media platforms 

I introduced a competition that involves posting images to Instagram using the hashtag #ministepscomp.

I wanted to get as much brand exposure as possible, the customers will upload pictures to Instagram which will be seen by their Instagram followers and the pictures will also appear on the Facebook page as the two accounts are synced.

The sock competition will encourage children to develop creative skills by such as drawing and colouring- in.  The sock template gives the children a head start and allows the competition to be fair amongst entrants.  The monthly theme and the monthly £50 voucher giveaway will encourage parents to visit the site regularly to keep up to date with the on going competition.

Pictured below is the new competition page, its content, rules and competition winners announcement.

The sock template link in red works and opens up a new page which contains the sock template.

Here are the competition rules.

Here is an announcement of the winners to last month's sock competition.


Ltd, S. (2018) “Content is King” – Bill Gates, 1996. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 16 April 2018].

Staff, I. (2018) Marketing Campaign. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2 April 2018].

Types of Content (2018). [Online] Available from: [Accessed 16 April 2018].

 New Data: Mix Content Types for Successful Content Marketing (2018). [Online] Available from: [Accessed 16 April 2018].


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